Italian land register #
To ensure that the web map displays the WMS layers of the Italian land register, you must first act in QGIS by setting the project reference system (bottom right) in EPSG 25832 and insert the WMS layers in the project with the same EPSG.
You must then export the project by checking the “Match Project CRS” checkbox.
In this way the coordinates of the web map will be in this reference system, follow the guide at this link to view another EPSG.
I attach an example of an already preset empty project:
SVG Marker #
qgis2o.gis positions by default a circle with a white background with a black border under the SVG Marker, so as to make the map more readable.
The circle acquires the size of the marker so it will be enough to set the size of the marker.
There is no problem with icon overlap during the popup as the current icon will appear in front.
In this example you can see that the back icon is shown in front when queried by the popup.